Human Behavior


Let’s talk about our minds. Things are not always what they seem. It may get weird, but don’t be afraid. We are all human, and knowledge (including self-knowledge) is power.

Topics of exploration include:

3D model of a tarantula

Physiologic drives and emotion

Didactic illustration of the anatomy and primary functions of the 12 cranial nerves of the Central Nervous System

Neuroanatomy, cognition, and behavior

A stylized pen and ink illustration of a grandparent holding twin grandbabies

Developmental theories (cognitive, social learning, psychosocial, psychosexual, behavioral, moral)

A fictional magazine cover called TechCreative showing a 3D wireframe hand holding an inking pen and drawing a 2D hand

Basis of personality, decision-making, heuristics, human aspirations, psychiatric disorders

A parody illustration of The Giving Tree showing the tree watching TV, talking on the phone, smoking, and drinking wine, while neglecting the boy

Interpersonal interactions, group dynamics, culture


Social systems, sociologic theories, demography, globalization

Interested in tutoring in the behavioral sciences?